Challenge of the Month - September Challenge 九月挑戰 | 高低空繩索挑戰 | 繩索 | 攀爬 | 飛索 | 桃園青年體驗學習園區 | 克服你的恐懼


Challenge of the Month - September Challenge 九月挑戰 | 高低空繩索挑戰 | 繩索 | 攀爬 | 飛索 | 桃園青年體驗學習園區 | 克服你的恐懼

2019/09 @桃園青年體驗學習園區 
一把年紀了還是要繼續爬上爬下 不要讓城市限制住我們的身體 踏出舒適圈,每個月都給自己一場新的挑戰吧! 成功克服從高處跳下的恐懼 跨出那一步雖然看似很小,對自己都是巨大的突破
Go TEAM! Although we are around 30, we still have to move our bodies just like the primal time. Don't let the city life stopping you from challenging yourself, find something outside of your comfort zone every month to give life a few kicks.
